Saturday, January 29, 2011

Respect the environment y'all

Almost everyday I take Scamp and Rooney for a walk down in the woods behind our neighborhood. Here lately the kids (and even adults) that live next to the woods have become...well...trashy. 

Everywhere you look, garbage. There are balloons hanging from trees, bottles, milk and orange juice cartons, posters on the ground, and even boards with rusty nails sticking out of them laying right next to the trail. And they use this stuff to shoot at. Do their parents say, "Be sure to clean it all up." you ask? More than likely not, they probably encourage it. Not to mention the people across the street from them are cutting down trees not on their property.

This really makes me mad. I've lived here practically all my life, and these people feel they can come in and do whatever. If they keep this up, there will be nowhere for me and my dogs to go for walks other than on pavement. And that's not fun. They're dogs, dogs like to walk around and smell things. And I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want my dogs (or me) to step on a rusty nail buried under leaves.

And the tree cutters, have set up a deer stand down by the creek. First of all there are no deer in these woods, and if there are, they're just passing through. And right under their stand, in the creek, is garbage.

This is just so aggravating, no one cares anymore...

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